Re-entry, in both directions

We had slightly less than three weeks vacation, from December 19th through January 6th. I flew home to Maryland (the Washington, D.C. area) on the 19th and back on January 4th-5th. It was wonderful to go home and I am glad I did it, but it was surreal to suddenly be back in my “regular” life. I had a great time seeing my daughters and dog and friends, and playing tennis and driving my car, and just being at home.

I bought a second nyckelharpa in Sweden, after testing many, to bring back and leave in the U.S. and rent out to a student. I brought it home (and payed duty at the border, which took a lot of time but was not expensive, 3.2%) and practiced it while home and left it there. It is by Elof Jansson, purchased from Leif Alpsjö. In the meantime, I had my Harry Hedbom nyckelharpa repaired by Harry while I was gone. It needed revarnishing on the back, and it was a good opportunity to have it done while I was away.

I also took home and left my hard case (with the homemade cover) that is very heavy, 12 pounds by itself. I had been hesitant to use a soft case because it seemed so much less protective than the hard case. But after attending Oktoberstämma with over 1800 people, 800 of them musicians and ~600 of them nyckelharpa players using soft cases, I decided to get over it. I bought a new soft case in Sweden from Kjell Lundvall; he gets them from Spain (bag

i took home books and CDs, clothes I am not wearing and gifts, and brought back sweaters, essential foods (Bob’s Red Mill 7-grain hot cereal, chocolate chips), medications, more yarn, and products for curly hair.

I am glad to be back in quiet Tobo, working hard again and being with this group of delightful people. I am at a frustrating point in this journey — highly aware of the gap between how I want to play and sound and how I actually sound. But I am trying to practice my way through it.


  • My computer, iPhone and iPad, which were working only very slowly in Sweden, were just fine back in the States. I installed the new Yosemite operating system on my computer, and it is now working much better, including back in Sweden.
  • There are things at home that i really miss when I am in Sweden: my daughters, friends, dog,  playing tennis, book group, driving my car wherever I want, taking a shower with no shower curtain trying to wrap around my legs, a really good bed, ice cream and gelato, Starbucks, Norwegian dances, bright sunlight.
  • It was really nice in the States to be surrounded by a language I understand and be able to talk to anyone in English.
  • This gift of time to focus on Swedish music and dance and study with amazing teachers and fellow students is wonderful. I’m glad I am doing it, but it does come at a price.
  • We are now half-way through this course.
  • I AM getting better at Swedish. It feels comfortable and I understand more and more and I am dreaming in Swedish. I’m working hard to speak more in Swedish.

Scandia DC group, annual Christmas party and photo, December 20, 2014.


Book group luncheon at Keswick Hall in Virginia.


Gingerbread house at Keswick Hall.



Chanukah candles at home, with my dog observing in the background.


We finally got beautiful snow in Tobo. This is the view from my bedroom in the morning.


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